Frequently asked Questions!
You have 72 hours to cancel to receive a refund of your deposit. After that you can cancel up until 90 days before the trip to receive a partial refund (All your money back except for your deposit money.). You will not receive a refund within 90 days before the trip if you need to cancel.
You can arrive a day early but will have to find your own accommodations. I will give recommendations but no one will be able to stay at the Apartment complex until the host arrives.
You may be able to stay a day or so later if you choose but will have to check out of the main lodging when the host checks out and find your own accommodations. I will provide recommendations.
No you may stay at the main lodging or do your own thing. Please note you may have to provide your own transportation.
The apartment complex is still being decorated but they are standard large sized rooms with some that come with their own bathrooms. There is a TV in the living room with a kitchen on each floor.
The chef will be making local Ghanaian dishes and will be taking allergies into consideration.
It is included in the price for the red, gold, and green package. You may still choose to sit it out if you would like but I highly suggest to attend if it is your first trip.
Returning travelers will have the option to go to Afrofuture or not.
Hot! The standard temperature is 89 degrees and it is a humid type of heat.
We will have multiple informational zoom calls to answer any questions. I will make sure you get your visa form filled out in time and you will be able to contact me whenever you want through Whatsapp.
Pretty much! We might move days around to go with the vibe of the group.
Ghana can definetly be safe. Make sure to always be aware of surroundings and belongings but you would do the same wherever you are.